What Is Online Reputation Management and Why Should You Care?

In today’s world of social media, online reputations—and their management—are becoming more and more important every day. A recent article published by Pharmacy Staffing espouses the importance of this topic, considering the following questions:

What is Online Reputation Management (ORM)?—the author writes that ORM is “basically having a strategy to influence what the public sees and perceives regarding your business. It is proactively directing public opinion regarding your services and/or products.”

How Do I Protect My Business’ Reputation Online?—The key to successful ORM is being aware and proactive. You have the ability to actively contribute to your own reputation online and, to a certain extent, control what and how information is presented to the public. The author recommends the
following steps:

  1. Build a website and have it properly optimized for Google (SEO)
  2. Set up your social media accounts
  3. Post to social media with some frequency
  4. Ask your customers for reviews
  5. Make social media a part of your marketing
  6. Accept negative reviews for what they are and never get into a “battle” online

Who Can Help You With Reputation Management?—There exist companies, such as HealthCare Consultants, that specialize in just this.

For more information, see the article in full at Pharmacy Staffing.